Product Tabs Not Showing

I think I have set up product tabs correctly:

Display Product details in tabs: checked

All product tabs are active

But, only the description tab is showing.

Is this because there are no reviews or comments or any data related to the other tabs? I don't see anywhere to post a comment for a product, so I can't test if that is the case.

1. Please make sure that the Comments and reviews module is enabled

2. Make sure that the Reviews tab is enabled (Design -> Product tabs)

3. Make sure that the reviews are enabled for the product

4. Clear cache

Is this because there are no reviews or comments or any data related to the other tabs? I don't see anywhere to post a comment for a product, so I can't test if that is the case.

Reviews tab appears only if reviews are enabled for the particular product. The rest tabs like features, files, tags, etc. appear only if the product has features, attached files, tags, etc.

Same problem too. Only Description and review tabs are visible. Ask a question is not visible. Any idea about it? Have clear cc

Tab "Ask a question" finally was an add-on. Its OK now