Cs-Cart Multivendor Android/ios App


Which companies have a ready cs-cart multivendor app available for android & ios for,

1. Storefront

2. Vendors

Don't really need for admin.



I believe Webkul has one. Twigmo used to have app but they deprecated their software and sounds like they are going to retire the whole thing in 2018. I don't know any other but I would be very interested having a real mobile app with extra features than what we have on our website.

The webkul app I have seen, both the storefront and the vendor apps are good, but many features that you would like to have are missing. Webkul should work to include lots more features in the app.

Like webkul vendor app does not have the important order view and update feature, and also shipments feature missing.

In the storefront app, I'm doubtful if we can add links like policies, support, about company. without requesting for customizations. Many other important features might also require customizations.