Default Shipping Costs In Cart Not Showing For New Users

I'm expecting the visitors of my website to be from one country and my shipping rules are simple (over 75$ order and the shipping is free).

But the cart total/subtotal do not show/reflect the shipping rules/costs, unless the visitor has already registered (and entered his/her address details).

1) How can I have the cart show the shipping costs for unregistered users?

2) Even if the total reflects the additional charge, for registered users, it is not specifically listed (as with auto shipping estimates). Why?

(Using the boilerplate template)

I'm expecting the visitors of my website to be from one country and my shipping rules are simple (over 75$ order and the shipping is free).

But the cart total/subtotal do not show/reflect the shipping rules/costs, unless the visitor has already registered (and entered his/her address details).

1) How can I have the cart show the shipping costs for unregistered users?

2) Even if the total reflects the additional charge, for registered users, it is not specifically listed (as with auto shipping estimates). Why?

(Using the boilerplate template)


So the shipping methods are not showing for guest checkout if the user entered the country, city etc?

If you use manual type of shipping methods, please make sure that rates are specified for the Default location.


So the shipping methods are not showing for guest checkout if the user entered the country, city etc?

Hi! No, I'd like the default shipping fee to show in the cart totals (even before checkout time)...

If you use manual type of shipping methods, please make sure that rates are specified for the Default location.

My default location data is correct. Cannot seem to get the shipping fee to show in the cart balance. If you set the automatic shipping rates (USPS, etc), you get the plane icon and the "calculate shipping costs" link, etc. But with manual, no fee is shown, even if it is 0$.

Yes it does not use the default location to calculate a default shipping amount in the cart does it unfortunately - it has an empty postcode so needs entering manually?

Pay attention to our CS-Cart add-on "Estimate shipping cost". It allows shoppers to estimate a shipping cost for a product on a product details page before making a purchase.

Also, we have an add-on "Shipping restrictions" that allows you to forbid the shipping of certain products to certain countries.

Best regards,


Alt-team - is this shown to increase conversions?

I just want a default price to display this is unbelieavable cs-cart can not do it

I am very very desperate

How can we do ?

When I select default country an d set default destination I do not get default price to show ...

Do I have to select ESTIMATE shippng cost on cart or not to make it appear ?

And I can not find any addon for that that would be THE BEST ADDON EVER DOR CS-CART

Someone offered such a module here. Please search over the forum

So for a guest to add to cart and see default shipping and taxes is not possible without entering a location still?

What is this addon anyone?

this should be very simple, pre-filling the calculate shipping cost form. No VAT is showing when users add to the cart if entering non tax pricing.