Pixel On Landing Page

I have a ad provider that i have to implement a pixel on. I did that on the orderlandingpage in the header and the provider was able to track, but not as we wanted.

So the code is following, just the first line:

You’ll need to replace the following values in the pixel:

• %orderid% - Put in dynamic unique ordernumber for each conversion.
• %currencysymbol% - The currency code of the sale amount. Currency symbol must be in compliance with 3-letter ISO standards: EUR, DKK, SEK, NOK etc.
• %orderamount% - The order amount, from which the commission will be calculated. The order amount must be with a dot as decimal delimiter and no thousand delimiter.

1. We got it almost right, but how do we get the Orderid to be dynamic? Now i just typed 6003 but all the orders dosent have that, it need to change to the orderid that the customers get when finnish.

2. Orderamount, I have 9 diffrent alternativprices on the product that we want to track the ad, soo how can we do this?

Hi veganermat,

You need to add that code manually on checkout.php, to track the order transactions.

Ived added the code in the orderlandingpage in the layout as htmlblock, should be fine, its just the details in the code that don't work

I have a ad provider that i have to implement a pixel on. I did that on the orderlandingpage in the header and the provider was able to track, but not as we wanted.

So the code is following, just the first line:

You’ll need to replace the following values in the pixel:

• %orderid% - Put in dynamic unique ordernumber for each conversion.
• %currencysymbol% - The currency code of the sale amount. Currency symbol must be in compliance with 3-letter ISO standards: EUR, DKK, SEK, NOK etc.
• %orderamount% - The order amount, from which the commission will be calculated. The order amount must be with a dot as decimal delimiter and no thousand delimiter.

1. We got it almost right, but how do we get the Orderid to be dynamic? Now i just typed 6003 but all the orders dosent have that, it need to change to the orderid that the customers get when finnish.

2. Orderamount, I have 9 diffrent alternativprices on the product that we want to track the ad, soo how can we do this?


You can find all the order information in the {$order_info} array, for example, {$order_info.order_id}

Please use the same hook as Google Analytics module


ok, the code in google analytic:

{if $addons.google_analytics.track_ecommerce == 'Y'}


ok trying to paste in {$order_info.order_id} in the orderidplace?

I don't know much about code so kind of newbie, thanks for helping :P

nope didn't work :(


We’ve registered one test-lead today:

Order ID: {$order_info.order_id}

Timestamp: 2017-06-21 09:57:43

Order amount: 6,00 NOK

/system/trackleads.php?cpid=5311&sid=3&orderid={$order_info.order_id}&customerid=¤cysymbol=NOK&orderamount=6&pgid=&orderdetails=&reff=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.veganermat.no%2Findex.php%3Fdispatch%3Dcheckout.complete%26order_id%3D110256Hi Anne,

We’ve registered one test-lead today:

Order ID: {$order_info.order_id}

Timestamp: 2017-06-21 09:57:43

Order amount: 6,00 NOK




thanks for helping, but is dosen't work

Got the following back:

Registered with this order ID: {$order_info.order_id} – and that’s the reason why they aren’t counted as leads.

Just to verify that this is ok see attached. I use a htmlblock and paste in the header sections.

I can't get the facebookpixel to work either so something is wrong somewere.


Please share or PM me URL of your website


Yes, I do not see any code related with Facebook Pixel in the source code. It is required to examine issue on your server