Add To Cart With Options?

Is there some what to get an add to cart button that allows you to choose a quantity? I am referring to in a category or bestseller view, not the product page itself.

Thanks in advance!

Hello! Please write to us at We can create an add-on for you.

A bit of css-ing could help. For example: If that is what you mean.

Also make a hook:


depending on which category structure you like/use.

And add:

{if !$smarty.capture.capt_options_vs_qty}
{assign var="qty" value="qty_`$obj_id`"}
{$smarty.capture.$qty nofilter}

in the

Yes, this is what i mean! Thanks.

A bit of css-ing could help. For example: If that is what you mean.

Also make a hook:


depending on which category structure you like/use.

And add:

{if !$smarty.capture.capt_options_vs_qty}
{assign var="qty" value="qty_`$obj_id`"}
{$smarty.capture.$qty nofilter}

in the

Yes! This is what I mean! Is this how to do it?