Ä°mage Upload Size

Can we change the dimensions automatically while loading the image? if i upload image size 4500x4500 resulotion in storefront have an error


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Thanks ecomlabs. its so good addon. Can we use when uploading images?

Sorry its during image upload. Thanks. :)

Thanks ecomlabs. its so good addon. Can we use when uploading images?

Yes, you can. You are welcome!


What the most optimum size for uploading images? See my original images varies between 150Kb to 2-3MB and that will make the site extremely slow or unavailable.

What is the best approach in this case? How to optimize the images so that I get a good resolution image with optimum performance. Any suggestions will be most appreciated.

What the most optimum size for uploading images? See my original images varies between 150Kb to 2-3MB and that will make the site extremely slow or unavailable.

What is the best approach in this case? How to optimize the images so that I get a good resolution image with optimum performance. Any suggestions will be most appreciated.

I use https://tinypng.com/this to compress jpg and png images

What the most optimum size for uploading images? See my original images varies between 150Kb to 2-3MB and that will make the site extremely slow or unavailable.

What is the best approach in this case? How to optimize the images so that I get a good resolution image with optimum performance. Any suggestions will be most appreciated.

It shouldn't make your site slow or unavailable. If you try to upload images that are greater than (usually) 8mb or so, then you might get an error from the upload. But you shouldn't have a problem with performance if you have adequate memory to manage the image re-sizing that will happen as the normal course of operation.

The way images work in cs-cart is that you upload a "detailed" image.

This is used as the "base image" for creating thumbnails and/or other images of specific sizes for your site. The vast majority of images sent to the browser are already the correct size for the browser to dispaly (I.e. optimal). There may be a "hit" on the first reference of a thumbnail, but that should be a one-time thing.