Admin Backend Not Working

Did not do any changes at all, simply today admin backend is not accessible, I get to login page enter details, browser shows sending request.... but stops after a while.. Front end works fine..

Where to look for a problem?

Did not do any changes at all, simply today admin backend is not accessible, I get to login page enter details, browser shows sending request.... but stops after a while.. Front end works fine..

Where to look for a problem?

Check the error logs, errors in browser console.

Found this

[Fri Jan 27 07:23:01.317345 2017] [fastcgi:error] [pid 3938] (104)Connection reset by peer: [client xx.xx.xx.xx:50622] FastCGI: comm with server "/usr/local/fastcgi/cgi-bin/php-cgi" aborted: read failed, referer:
[Fri Jan 27 07:23:01.317438 2017] [fastcgi:error] [pid 3938] [client] FastCGI: incomplete headers (0 bytes) received from server "/usr/local/fastcgi/cgi-bin/php-cgi", referer:

Make sure that you have free disk space

Inodes 39% free disk ~40GB.

I was able to login to admin panel only after changin php.ini from

max_execution_time = 3600 ---> 300

also in db changed secure_admin from Y to N

What changes I made yesterday was main website is Full SSL support including admin while additional storefront makde SSL disabled..

Not sure maybe this caused problem...

Can multi storefront store have one storefront SSL enabled second disabled? While admin is SSL enabled.

My Admin page is blank, and I can't get in. Browser console says ERROR 500

The Front works fine

BUT - I think it is because I can't disable SSL

I set the database to not use SSL, in PhpMyAdmin - Settings_objects

But my url keeps coming up with HTTPS://localhost/index.php when I type just localhost/index.php

Is there anything else I need to do to?

Errors will be in your error_log file. You need to clear the cache. secure_storefront could be ‘none’ depending on your version.

Thank you for responding.

I cleared the cache,

I changed secure_storefront to 'none' (just in case)

I checked the error logs.

I am basically getting this, row after row.....

[Fri Mar 31 10:40:45 2017][debug] mod_deflate.c(710): [client] Zlib: Compressed 0 to 2 : URL /~2359671.2590123/htdocs/shop/nimda.php

Does that mean anything to you?

however I am still getting this lock in the upper left hand corner of the browser.

In the Mozilla Console under "Network" I am also seeing these 2 items.




The lock is just indicating an "insecure" connection, ie not encryted.


You need to look in the PHP error_log. What you showed was the Apache error_log (never understood why they named them the same).

Deal with your SSL issues AFTER you get the other issues addressed.