Cannot Delete Vendor In Multi Vendor


I am trying to delete vendors that are no longer active, however I am having some trouble.

I am getting an error: WarningUnable to delete this vendor account because there are orders containing the products of this vendor in the store database. To delete the account, please delete all such orders first.

So I have deleted all orders and I am still getting this error when attempting to delete the vendor.. can anybody please offer their advice.

Thanks in advance.


I am trying to delete vendors that are no longer active, however I am having some trouble.

I am getting an error: WarningUnable to delete this vendor account because there are orders containing the products of this vendor in the store database. To delete the account, please delete all such orders first.

So I have deleted all orders and I am still getting this error when attempting to delete the vendor.. can anybody please offer their advice.

Thanks in advance.

Make sure that incomplete orders of this vendor are also deleted. To see the list of incomplete orders click on the gear button on Orders > View orders page and select Incomplete orders

Thank you! That did the trick!

Oh Boy, I got this issue and there was nothing in the Orders > View Orders

Anyone knows what the trick so I can delete the Vendor?

WarningUnable to delete this vendor account because there are orders containing the products of this vendor in the store database. To delete the account, please delete all such orders first.

Did you check Orders -> View orders -> Gear icon -> Incomplete orders ?

Thanks eComLabs for the quick response. It strangely appear as per your instruction and was now able to delete Vendor.

Looks like eComLabs is the most active developer who gives helpful hand with any questions.

Appreciate it eComLabs.

@fbranjo, we were glad to help you!

Hi team,

We are still in the site set up mode and had done a few vendor accounts to test. I deleted them, but the system continues to keep sending out emails saying $'s are owed and account is in danger of suspension.

Should the system not stop from these emails going out or is there anything else we need to do ?

Please let me know.


Make sure that incomplete orders of this vendor are also deleted. To see the list of incomplete orders click on the gear button on Orders > View orders page and select Incomplete orders

You should receive such emails for deleted accounts. Please contact support team with this issue.