Compatibility With Amazon Ses?

Is CS-Cart not compatible with the Amazon SES SMTP server?

I have already registered my domain and verified it.

But I keep getting this error:

ErrorMessage could not be sent.
Mailer Error: SMTP Error: data not accepted.

I'm guessing it's either a port definition problem or a credentials problem.

Double check what the port should be and ensure you use [smtp_server]:[port_number] as the SMTP host.

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I found the reason. The emails are sent "on behalf" of the emails that are set under company information. So they must be verified beforehand on Amazon SES.

Hi guys,
Is there anyway to upload manually ebay and amazon orders with csv file to cs cart Orders page?

I am having the same problem. Order emails send fine, but for other emails I get:

"Mailer Error: SMTP Error: data not accepted."

Our domain is confirmed, we're not in sandbox, and we know the credentials are working.

Any idea?