Dashboard Statistics Custom Range Stuck On 1969

Hi, I've CS Cart v4

I'm just playing around with it and noticed that my Sales Statistics Dashboard always has a single dot marked on Jan 1st, 1970 for 0 orders.

I cant seem to get this graph to update or change irrespective of any amount of orders I complete and close.

The data range dropdown on the top right corner, by default has the "Custom Range" value set to 31st December 1969 to 31st December 1970.

Any help?

I tried to debug by echo-ing the current Date in Smarty and Php; September 2016 as it should be...

Please help.




try to replace:

[{if $is_day}[{$date}, 0, 0, 0]{else}new Date({$date}){/if}, {$data.prev}, {$data.cur}]{if !$smarty.foreach.graph.last},{/if}


[{if $is_day}[{$date|default:$smarty.const.TIME}, 0, 0, 0]{else}new Date({$date|default:$smarty.const.TIME}){/if}, {$data.prev}, {$data.cur}]{if !$smarty.foreach.graph.last},{/if}

then clear cache

(!) Not tested

Nope. Didn't work...

I opened my error_logs file.

I see a bunch of these.

  PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: timestamp_to in  /app/controllers/backend/index.php on line 191
  PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: timestamp_from in  /app/controllers/backend/index.php on line 196
  PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: timestamp_to in  /app/controllers/backend/index.php on line 196
  PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: is_day in  /app/controllers/backend/index.php on line 196
  PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: stats in  /app/controllers/backend/index.php on line 206
  PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: is_day in  /app/controllers/backend/index.php on line 212

I tried to restore the backend folder inside the app/controllers/ as well as inside design/ with the original.
But this problem still occurs

Nope. Didn't work...

I opened my error_logs file.

I see a bunch of these.

  PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: timestamp_to in  /app/controllers/backend/index.php on line 191
  PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: timestamp_from in  /app/controllers/backend/index.php on line 196
  PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: timestamp_to in  /app/controllers/backend/index.php on line 196
  PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: is_day in  /app/controllers/backend/index.php on line 196
  PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: stats in  /app/controllers/backend/index.php on line 206
  PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: is_day in  /app/controllers/backend/index.php on line 212

I tried to restore the backend folder inside the app/controllers/ as well as inside design/ with the original.
But this problem still occurs

Looks like some data in the database is lost. But it is required detailed examination