Ajax - Auto Load Products On Category Page


Now in category page, the products are loaded via Ajax after click on the pagination links.

Is it possible to auto load products with out any click. That means, when I reach at bottom of page, products are automatically loaded.

Is it possible? Can any one help me?

You can check these addon:



Thank you @Vivek.

Is it possible to use default ajax function in CS Cart?

Now I have used Infinite Scroll Jquery script and it works well.

I just want to add infinte scroll script in Category pages with below code.

navSelector  : "div.ty-pagination__items",
               // selector for the paged navigation (it will be hidden)
nextSelector : "div.ty-pagination__items a.ty-pagination__item",
               // selector for the NEXT link (to page 2)
itemSelector : ".grid-list div.cs-grid-list-item"
               // selector for all items you'll retrieve



    navSelector  : ".ty-pagination",
                   // selector for the paged navigation (it will be hidden)
    nextSelector : ".ty-pagination__next",
                   // selector for the NEXT link (to page 2)
    itemSelector : "#pagination_contents"
                   // selector for all items you'll retrieve

Not tested