Disable Shipping Method For One Location


The our client contacted us saying he wants to make one shipping method not available for one specific location. For example, the user would not be able to request "Special Delivery" if he/she is ordering something to The Isle of Whight and The Isle of Scilly. The addresses locations have been set up propperly and i can see them as a separate destionation on the tabs but i couldn't find a method of making it unavailable. Does anyone know if this can be done with cs-Cart?

Thank you


The our client contacted us saying he wants to make one shipping method not available for one specific location. For example, the user would not be able to request "Special Delivery" if he/she is ordering something to The Isle of Whight and The Isle of Scilly. The addresses locations have been set up propperly and i can see them as a separate destionation on the tabs but i couldn't find a method of making it unavailable. Does anyone know if this can be done with cs-Cart?

Thank you

Just don't set up shipping fee for this location.

Just don't set up shipping fee for this location.

but wouldn't this make the shipping free for that location? From what i knw, cs-cart automatically adds the location and sets the fee to 0

Just don't set up shipping fee for this location.

But wouldn't this make the shipping free? from what i know, cs-cart will add the location automatically and add a 0 value to the shipping.

But wouldn't this make the shipping free? from what i know, cs-cart will add the location automatically and add a 0 value to the shipping.

No, if no shipping fee specified for the location this shipping method would not be displayed for a customer.