What Are Advanced Options?

In the default_template.tpl file in a themes directory, there is a class...


I've added options to a product but they appear in a div further up the template under 'options'.

I've checked the knowledge base and there is no mention of advanced options.

What are they?

Additionally, is there an if statement to hide the div if they're not in use? Thanks.

{assign var="advanced_options" value="advanced_options_`$obj_id`"}
{$smarty.capture.$advanced_options nofilter}

That is what is contained in the advanced options div, any ideas?

Please check the following file:


This section contains information about a company of the product and has hook which allows to show any other additional data using addons.

Please check the following file:


This section contains information about a company of the product and has hook which allows to show any other additional data using addons.

Oh right. From looking at the template it seems that it's related to multi vendor things.

Is that right? Either way I guess I don't need that shown. Thanks.

Oh right. From looking at the template it seems that it's related to multi vendor things.

Is that right? Either way I guess I don't need that shown. Thanks.

Yes, you are right if no any module uses hook in this section

Thanks for the help!