Can You Stop The Auto Focus Of Input Fields?

When editing a user account on the front-end, the form will scroll down the page and make the first input box with the class of 'cm-focus' active. Is there a way to remove this feature so it doesn't auto focus and scroll as it can be quite annoying albeit helpful in the right situation if you want it.

Any way to turn this off or remove it completely?


Remove the following part of code:

{if $smarty.foreach.profile_fields.index == 0} cm-focus{/if}

I can’t seem to find this my installation - i’m running the latest.
I’m looking to remove the focus on my vendor apply page as my form is placed lower on the page.
Any idea on how to remove the focus on just that Business Name input field?

I still see it in the latest version

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Ahh, thank you. Found it and fixed now.
Thanks for your help!

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I was happy to help you!