Base Color For Basket/cart


I modified the base color in visual editor for my theme by going in Color -->Base.

The color I specified looks different on the cart & request call blocks(fonts too) compared to rest of the places where colors are same as I provided (pale yellow).

Even when I specify white color as base, color of fonts for basket is shown as gray.

Any idea what can be wrong?

I have attached snapshots of blocks when I assigned color as yellow & also when I assigned color as white




When BAse color is assigned as WHITE.png

Attaching missing screenshot. (the color should be bright yellow but it is not)


Hi Ahmendatnet,

If the questions is still relevant, then you should also check other color setting for link color and maybe top panel links/top panel text colors (while you only mentioned base color).

Hope this helps.

Best regards,


We are still waiting for the URL of the website in PM. Thanks.