Installation Error

installation error

I installed on the computer, then normal, but when passed vps can not install, I do not know why

12-16-2015 8-27-39 AM.png

installation error

I installed on the computer, then normal, but when passed vps can not install, I do not know why

You should set 777 permissions on the var, images and design directories and 666 permissions on the config.local.php file of your installation. Please also refer to this article:

You need to use command line

cd home/.../public_html

and there

chmod 666 config.local.php
chmod -R 777 design images var
find design -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 666
find images -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 666
find var -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 666
chmod 644 design/.htaccess images/.htaccess var/.htaccess var/themes_repository/.htaccess
chmod 644 design/index.php images/index.php var/index.php var/themes_repository/index.php

Please find detailed installation guide here: