Change Style Of The Order Page In Admin


I would like to edit the order page in admin. Specifically I’d like to make the shipping address a different color so it stands out. I can’t find the template or css file in the backend folder that controls this. Could someone point me in the right direction?

Thank you.

Please add the following code:

.sidebar-row:nth-child(5) .profile-info {
    color: red;
    font-weight: bold;

to the following file:


If you are familiar with hooks, it is better to add new css file with the My changes module

The result is:

Thanks, worked perfectly.

if you plan more than this one change, you should use a hook and make these changes in your own design/backend/css/addons/my_changes/my_styles.css (or my_styles.less) file. Otherwise, upon next upgrade your changes will disappear.

Check the KB related to creating/using an addon.

Thanks tbirnseth, I will set up the hook for this.

Thanks tbirnseth, I will set up the hook for this.

Please check