Import Options With Modifiers Not Working Correctly?


i am importing 2 products options with price modifiers: Size and Paddings.

The issue I am encountering is that it does not recognize the second option Paddings but it adds it to my first option Size.

When I look at the product preview I just see the Size drop down as product options and there I also find the data that should go as a separate drop down under Paddings.

Can someone help me understand why?

The following is what I have under my Options column of the csv file:

Size:S[2x3, 2x4///modifier=40.00///modifier_type=A, 2x6///modifier=90.00///modifier_type=A, 2x8///modifier=140.00///modifier_type=A, 2x10///modifier=200.00///modifier_type=A, 2x12///modifier=250.00///modifier_type=A, 3x5///modifier=100.00///modifier_type=A, 4x4 Square///modifier=120.00///modifier_type=A, 4x6///modifier=190.00///modifier_type=A, 5x8///modifier=340.00///modifier_type=A, 6x6 Square///modifier=290.00///modifier_type=A, 7x9///modifier=520.00///modifier_type=A, 8x8 Square///modifier=550.00///modifier_type=A, 8x11 ///modifier=740.00///modifier_type=A, 10x10 Square///modifier=870.00///modifier_type=A, 10x13///modifier=1170.00///modifier_type=A, 12x12///modifier=1320.00///modifier_type=A, 12x15///modifier=1720.00///modifier_type=A;] Paddings:S[no padding, 2x8///modifier=8.50///modifier_type=A, 4x6///modifier=12.50///modifier_type=A, 5x8///modifier=19.99///modifier_type=A, 8x11///modifier=29.99.00///modifier_type=A, 9x12///modifier=45.99///modifier_type=A];


Should there be a delimiter before the word "Paddings". either"," or ";"

Add 1 product with option with modifiers through admin then export it to see how it looks


Good eye was missing ";"...Solved!

Thank you :)