Notification Emails


I am the owner of a Multi-vendor website. My vendors are associations that use the store to fund raise. The contact information email for the vendor is now the president’s “usafagapc@[color=#FF0000]”[/color].

What do I need to do to have the president’s email “usafagapc@[color=#ff0000]”[/color] to be on contact information for the Contact Information and on the invoice

AND in addition:

An order notification email goes out to the head of fundraising that will fulfill the order “usafagapc@[color=#ff0000]”.[/color]


you want forwarding? from usafagapc@[color=#FF0000] to [/color]usafagapc@[color=#FF0000][/color]

If I understood you correctly, you should change the e-mail on the Settings → Company page in the admin panel

Several comma separated e-mails can be defined. E.g.

Order department e-mail address:,

[quote name='eComLabs' timestamp='1434012179' post='218349']

If I understood you correctly, you should change the e-mail on the Settings → Company page in the admin panel

Several comma separated e-mails can be defined. E.g.

Order department e-mail address:,


Ohh, new information…Thanks also to this…

I am using muilt-vendor. There is not an option it the vendor account for Settings → Company. Each of my vendors want the option to send to the president (who is the vendor account contact) and the person in charge of fulfillment of the order. Each vendor has an order department that is not me the Admin (Owner) of the store. Essentially each vendor needs an order department but this is not an option. Since this is not an option how to I send an order notification to both the vendor contact (president) and the someone else of there choosing (the person the vendor identifies in their organization to fulfill the order?

I only want the vendor contact (president usafagapc@[color=#FF0000][/color]) to get the store inquiries. I want both the vendor contact (president usafagapc@[color=#FF0000][/color]) and the fulfillment person usafagapc@[color=#FF0000][/color]

to get the[color=#282828][font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif] order notifications.[/font][/color]
