Search Product Category Wise For A Paticular Vendor

Please can anybody provide me with code to search product categorywise for a paticular vendor.I am new to cs cart so please help me with this.

Thank You.

Please use Advanced search to find products from specific vendor

I want this code so i can integrate it in my other page.Please could you provide me with the code snippet…

Try the following code:


{if "MULTIVENDOR"|fn_allowed_for}
{include file="common/ajax_select_object.tpl" label=__("search_by_vendor") data_url="companies.get_companies_list?show_all=Y&search=Y" text=$search.company_id|fn_get_company_name|default:__("all_vendors") result_elm="company_id" id="company_id_selector"}


i want to search products of a vendor using its subcategories.Suppose i have a category clothing and sarees and dresses as subcategories under that clothing.Then i have to search products of sarees and dresses for a paticular vendor.I want the same code as vendor page which searches products category wise but i dont want to redirect to other page.Please can you provide me with this code.This would be of great help.

Thank You

[quote name='madhuri' timestamp='1421991616' post='203248']

i want to search products of a vendor using its subcategories.Suppose i have a category clothing and sarees and dresses as subcategories under that clothing.Then i have to search products of sarees and dresses for a paticular vendor.I want the same code as vendor page which searches products category wise but i dont want to redirect to other page.Please can you provide me with this code.This would be of great help.


Additional code modifications are required here. If you are interested, please contact us using the link from my signature and we will estimate the complexity of the required work.