Need help with an error

what would cause this?

Database error: 1044 : Access denied for user: ‘removingdb name for security’ to database ‘removingusernameforsecurity’

Invalid query: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE avail_products SELECT cscart_products_categories.product_id, cscart_products_categories.position FROM cscart_products_categories INNER JOIN cscart_categories ON cscart_categories.category_id=cscart_products_categories.category_id AND cscart_categories.membership_id IN (‘0’, ‘0’) AND cscart_categories.avail=‘Y’ WHERE cscart_categories.category_id=‘156’

You db user doesnt have privledges to create temporary tables in your db. Contact your host or db administrator.

I had something like that happen to me before, but then support posted a new search_products.php file for me and it went away.



can you post that file then?

is that file currently in the public release?

and that db user is the onwer/creator of the db so it’s odd

If you use 1.3.3, you can disable temporary tables usage by unchecking “Use temporary tables during product search/catalog browsing (increases performance)” option in General Settings.