Anyway To Keep Quantity Discounts Displayed If The Stock Out?

Once a product is marked out of stock, then the Quantity discount box goes away. I can see why this happens because there would be no quantity discounts if you don't even have any in stock at all. However, I want the customer to still see the quantity prices even if we are out of stock because our prices are much less for higher volumes.

Seems like I should be able to edit the products template file but after looking at it it is too foreign to me to figure it out.

Thanks for your help if you have any ideas.


Try the following solution (not tested):

Open the design/themes/responsive/templates/common/product_data.tpl file move this code:

{if $product.prices}
{include file="views/products/components/products_qty_discounts.tpl"}

before this line:



Then clear the cache and check the result.