Best Way To Find Old Url's For 301 Redirects After I've Moved My Store?

Did a very stupid thing today.

I moved my store and deleted my cache before downloading the sitemap. I'm moving to a new store which has a different URL structure and could have used the sitemap to do 301 redirects.

I don't remember all of the URL's in my old store. Is there any way to figure out what the old URL's were?

Need to do this for both CS-Cart and my Wordpress blog.


I should ask if there's a proactive way to finding out the old URL's. I can of course look for 404's in the logs but I think taking a more proactive approach would be best in this situation.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

If you have a backup of your old database, you can review the cscart_seo_names table. Not that type p is products (c=categories, a=pages). This will give you the “base” name. I'm assuming you know what “rules” you used (like show language in url, display with .html or not, etc.)

You can request your hosting to restore the most recent files before your delete action.

May be a dumb suggestion, but if you are using Google Webmaster Tools and have submitted a site map you should be able to download it inside your Webmaster Tools account.

[quote name='quicksilver1024' timestamp='1408700197' post='190293']

Did a very stupid thing today.

I moved my store and deleted my cache before downloading the sitemap. I'm moving to a new store which has a different URL structure and could have used the sitemap to do 301 redirects.

I don't remember all of the URL's in my old store. Is there any way to figure out what the old URL's were?

Need to do this for both CS-Cart and my Wordpress blog.



What software was used by the previous store?