Installation On Shared-Hosting 1And1 White Screen Error

When I install cscart 4 I get a white screen.

The issues seems to be specifically related to how 1and1 sets up the paths for Apache and for PHP(1).


Apache: /kunden/homepages/xx/dxxxxxxxx/htdocs/site1/index.html

PHP: /homepages/xx/dxxxxxxxx/htdocs/site1/index.html

I have tried to define the path on Tygh/Bootstrap.php adding the kunden before the definition of DIR_ROOT with no sucess on line 195.

$dir_root = '/kunden'.$dir_root;

define('DIR_ROOT', str_replace('\', '/', $dir_root)); // also fix windows slashes

Any ideas are welcomed


(1)[Plugin: WP Super Cache] How to get mod_rewrite working on 1and1 shared hosting |

What you've described makes no sense to me.

Every “site” has a “document root”.

Apache will change directories to that “document root” and then invoke PHP on the “default index file” based on the default or configured name (usually index.php and index.html).

DIR_ROOT will be dynamically set to the path to the root directory of your store. It does this via PHP.

If you are getting a white screen, edit your config.local.php file and add a line after the line for error_logging() of:

ini_set('display_errors', true);

You will then probably see the actual error. You can also check your PHP error_log file But I have no idea where 1and1 puts that for your site.

Thank you tbirnseth, I created a php.ini file:


That seems to work.

If I see the error again I will display_errors and posted back here.

Thanks again

If you manage to get a CS-Cart store working on 1and1 with anything less than a 30 second page load time then you should probably be nominated for the Honours roll-call at New Year…