Problem Installing On Iis7

I'm trying to install CS-Cart (currrent demo version) on Windows Server 2008 R2, IIS 7.

The issue is can't get past the accept License agreement page.

After about 90 seconds I get HTTP Error 500 (generic error). The message returned is “C:\PHP\php-cgi.exe - The FastCGI process exceeded configured request timeout”


[]The demo was downloaded and installed into a directory under existing web site, by the user of that site.

]I have gone into Explorer and added IUSR account with full permissions on the directory where CS CART is located.

[]I didn't make any changes in IIS, as PHP is already working on this server for other sites.

]Server has PHP 5.4.14 installed, with 'PHP via FastCGI' handler configured in IIS.

[]I've attempted to turn on DEBUG_MODE and DEVELOPMENT to true in config.php (in root of CS Cart). No additional messages.

]I've also gone into php.ini and turned on display_errors and display_startup_errors. Neither gave any additional information in browser or in Windows Event Viewer Application Log.


I'm not great a Windows as I mostly work on Linux. SO its quite possible something very simple has been missed.

Hoping someone has some initial suggestions. If need to site URL let me know and I'll post it next.

I managed to solve my own problem. Although I'm not 100% sure what solved it.

I figured out php was using standard mysql dll and not “improved” mysql dll. SO I commented out mysql and enables mysqli and pdo_mysql.

I then also restarted the IIS web service. In case it had cached some php config.

After this it went past license file and installed just fine.

If it really was an issue of mysql versus mysqli then I think the installer should have done check and prompted me an error.