Organized layout for Options when Invoice is printed

I have an online embroidery store and some of my products have more than 2 options. When I look at the order, the option info is laid out in a very orderly manner, but when I print the invoice for my pending jobs basket, the options are all run one after another and are a pain in the ass to sort thru.

I have modified the options_info.tpl file to show the option choice in red and to break each option to a new line making it much easier for me to pick out what options I need to embroider.

I have included the file so you can see where I made the modifications. Look for the <font color statement on the 11th line and the line break br command at the end of the 6th line from the bottom.

<br />
{if $product_options}<br />
	{foreach from=$product_options item=po}<br />
		{if $po.value}<br />
			{assign var="has_option" value=true}<br />
			{break}<br />
		{/if}<br />
	{/foreach}<br />
	{if $has_option}<br />
		<strong>{__("options")}:</strong>&nbsp;<br />
		{foreach from=$product_options item=po name=po_opt}<br />
			{$po.option_name}:&nbsp;<font color="red">{$po.variant_name}</font><br />
			{if $oi.extra.custom_files[$po.option_id]}<br />
				{foreach from=$oi.extra.custom_files[$po.option_id] item="file" name="po_files"}<br />
					{$}<br />
					{if !$smarty.foreach.po_files.last},&nbsp;{/if}<br />
				{/foreach}<br />
			{/if}<br />
			{if $settings.General.display_options_modifiers == "Y"}<br />
				{if !$skip_modifiers && $po.modifier|floatval}<br />
					&nbsp;({include file="common/modifier.tpl" mod_type=$po.modifier_type mod_value=$po.modifier display_sign=true})<br />
				{/if}<br />
			{/if}<br />
			{if !$smarty.foreach.po_opt.last}&nbsp;{/if}<br /><br />
		{/foreach}<br />
	{/if}<br />
{else}<br />
	&nbsp;<br />
{/if}<br />

```<br />
<br />
<br />
Here's a screenshot of what the new layout looks like and prints like.<br />
<br />

Forgot the path to this file: /design/backend/templates/common/options_info.tpl

make sure to execute the clear template cache command: ctpl

Very nice… Thank you…

Nice, makes it clearer for order inputting on emb system

Latest Update Broke the Printed Invoice linebreaks and color. here's the corrected code:



{if $product_options}

{foreach from=$product_options item=po}

{if $po.value}

{assign var=“has_option” value=true}




{if $has_option}


{foreach from=$product_options item=po name=po_opt}

{if ($po.option_type == “S” || $po.option_type == “R”) && !$po.value}



{if $option_displayed}, {/if}

{$po.option_name}: {$po.variant_name}

{if $oi.extra.custom_files[$po.option_id]}

{foreach from=$oi.extra.custom_files[$po.option_id] item=“file” name=“po_files”}


{if !$smarty.foreach.po_files.last}, {/if}



{if $settings.General.display_options_modifiers == “Y”}

{if !$skip_modifiers && $po.modifier|floatval}

 ({include file=“common/modifier.tpl” mod_type=$po.modifier_type mod_value=$po.modifier display_sign=true})



{$option_displayed = true}







i've copied and pasted the codes but i see no change. I've cleared the cache through administrations–>storage–>clear cache.

any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Ok, i was being silly, instead of typing in ctpl i was typing in cptl to clear the cache.

i can now see the options in red when i look at invoice in admin area. however, is there a way to change it so that customers receive the same red options when they are emailed the invoice?

Ok, i was being silly, instead of typing in ctpl i was typing in cptl to clear the cache.

i can now see the options in red when i look at invoice in admin area. however, is there a way to change it so that customers receive the same red options when they are emailed the invoice?

My customers do get the red text in their email. I'm surprised that yours don't.

The picture was removed so here it is again. just so you can see what it does for the display/email/printing: