Show full product description on product list page V4.02

I need to show full description on blocks/list_templates/product_list.tpl instead of short description

As I undertsand this part it is controlled by product _data.tpl

{capture name="prod_descr_`$obj_id`"}<br />
    {if $show_descr}<br />
	    {if $product.short_description}<br />
		    {$product.short_description nofilter}<br />
	    {else}<br />
		    {$product.full_description|strip_tags|truncate:160 nofilter}<br />
	    {/if}<br />
    {/if}<br />
{/capture}<br />
{if $no_capture}<br />
    {assign var="capture_name" value="prod_descr_`$obj_id`"}<br />
    {$smarty.capture.$capture_name nofilter}<br />
```<br />
<br />
So if I change it for example as follows I do not see any description shown:<br />
<br />
{capture name="prod_descr_`$obj_id`"}<br />
    {if $show_descr}<br />
		    {$product.full_description|strip_tags|truncate:160 nofilter}<br />
    {/if}<br />
{/capture}<br />
{if $no_capture}<br />
    {assign var="capture_name" value="prod_descr_`$obj_id`"}<br />
    {$smarty.capture.$capture_name nofilter}<br />
```<br />
<br />
<br />
If I just add ```php
{$product.full_description nofilter}
``` in the product_list.tpl<br />
I see repeated short description instead of full one.<br />
<br />
Any hint please?

change the
{$product.full_description|strip_tags|truncate:160 nofilter}

{$product.full_description nofilter}

If you add fn_print_r($products); in app\controllers\frontend\categories.php somewhere near assignment Registry::get('view')->assign('products', $products);

you will see all the data of $products array. I find that this array have empty [full_description] only short. Probably that is why you can't have it in your templates until you assign it via php.