Turn on category images in V4

How do you turn on the images in the category pages?

This is for turning back on Category Images…


In V4.0.2 the files are different it says to:

{* Uncomment the section below to enable uploading of category images *}


{include file=“common/attach_images.tpl” image_name=“category_main” image_object_type=“category” image_pair=$category_data.main_pair image_object_id=$id icon_text=
(“text_category_icon”) detailed_text=__(“text_category_detailed_image”) no_thumbnail=true}

Which I did but I am getting a fatal smarty error now. I am I missing something?

[quote name='hgl' timestamp='1382111778' post='169968']Which I did but I am getting a fatal smarty error now. I am I missing something? [/quote]

Did you fix all 3 files.? If so then I'm not sure. Worked for us…

Also for Sub-Category images follow Vali’s steps here… Sub-Category images shown on Category pages…

Got it to work but now the sub-category menu is not in order as before. Instead of being in columns it is more l like a paragraph?

[quote name='hgl' timestamp='1382363444' post='170073']

Got it to work but now the sub-category menu is not in order as before. Instead of being in columns it is more l like a paragraph?


If you talking about the text being off the to right of the image and want it below…

edit /design/themes/templates/views/categories/view.tpl


{include file="common/image.tpl" images=$category.main_pair image_width=100 image_height=100}


{include file="common/image.tpl" images=$category.main_pair image_width=100 image_height=100}


Just adding that extra break. Need to make it a hook… Havn't figured that out yet…