Unable to create One time Cupons

Hi all,

I’m having some serious problems generating some coupon. I think it’s be a bug, maybe someone can help me (at the moment i have a cscart support ticket opened for this)

This is the problem:

I want to create 3 coupon codes, each one is 1 use only. So, I created a (common) condition:

<br />
If Any of the follow conditions are true<br />
<br />
	   If coupon code = 'test123' AND not has been never used<br />
	   OR<br />
	   If coupon code = 'test456' AND not has been never used<br />
	   OR<br />
	   If coupon code = 'test789' AND not has been never used<br />
<br />
			-> Get bonuses<br />

```<br />
<br />
Now, i should have 3 coupon codes, each one is for 1 use only ok?<br />
<br />
So, i go to storefront and try to use the first coupon 'test123' .. the system reply OK valid coupon<br />
Then open another browser session, try to use the second coupon 'test456' .. the system reply 'Coupon not found'<br />
Same for third test, try to use coupon 'test789'.. the system reply 'Coupon not found'<br />
<br />
I'm doing something wrong or it's a bug?<br />
<br />
thanks all<br />
AM<p><a href="">Immagine.png</a></p>