Adding info to invoice

Hi all.

I need some help adding my ABN (Australian tax number) to my invoices. It's not a valid tax invoice in Australia unless it has an ABN.

I've changed the text at the top of standard invoice - “Invoice” to say “Tax Invoice”, and I'd like to add the ABN directly underneath that…otherwise perhaps under my company name.

Thank you for any help you can provide.

What cs-cart version are you using? I can also create a custom design for invoice [url=“Factura Fiscala accorantly to Romanian law, custom design of Invoice - Third-Party Add-ons - CS-Cart Community Forums”]Factura Fiscala accorantly to Romanian law, custom design of Invoice - Third-Party Add-ons - CS-Cart Community Forums


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I'm using V4…and thanks for the offer, but CS-Cart support are fixing this now.