Can someone please help with the following error message I get at check out? [size=3]"This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid credit card number and type.[size=5] I have set up my sandbox account, got my username, password and signature, placed them in my cs-cart payment method setting for paypal. [/size][/size]

Are you using the credit card number and type that was created as part of the sandbox account?

NairdaCart thanks for the reply, I am using the latest version of CS-Cart (Ver. 4). It turns out the problem was caused by a bug in the current CS-Cart version. Its been fixed on our server by doing the following. (1) removed the following part of code:

// Remove unallowed chars from cc number

if (!empty($cart['payment_info']['card_number'])) {

$cart['payment_info']['card_number'] = str_replace(array(' ', '-'), '', $cart['payment_info']['card_number']);


below this one:

// Save payment information

if (isset($cart['payment_info'])) {

and added the following part of code:

// Remove unallowed chars from cc number

if (!empty($cart['payment_info']['card_number'])) {

$cart['payment_info']['card_number'] = str_replace(array(' ', '-'), '', $cart['payment_info']['card_number']);


below this one:

$cart['parent_order_id'] = $parent_order_id;

in the fn.cart.php file located in the app/functions directory of CS-Cart installation.

Good to know, another bug introduced…

Will take in consideration when we will update our paypal multicurrency addons.