Top menu not showing in categorie page

Hello all,

probably the most simple question but…

I'm playing around with the trial version of cs-cart 3.0.6.

I've added some categories and they appear as they should nicely in the top menu. Problem is when I click on one of the categories, I 'll get to the categorie page with the assigned products but the top menu disappears.

It happens on all categories pages.

It does not happen on all other pages like “contact us” or one of the links in the bottom menu wich are installed on default.

who can point me in the wright direction to solve this?

regards Mirco

Hello Mirco!

Please, make sure that the Top menu block (block with the Categories content) is placed on a Default location in the Block manager (Design → Blocks → Default tab).

Best regards, Alt-team


thank you for the quick response!

I didn't change the top menu. It is in the top location in the default tap.

So it appears on all pages accept the categorie pages… should be a simple setting somewhere but where…

btw, What I allready tried:

Removed the categories and made new ones;

Removed the top menu and created a new one;

Mirco, try to check the following way:

Go to Products → Categories → click Edit any category that appears in the Top menu. Click the Blocks tab and check if the Top menu block is there and active. If the Top menu block is in place and active, I don't even know what can be a problem. If the Top menu block is disabled, activate it. If it's not there at all, it's very strange. Nevertheless, go to Design → Blocks → click Categories location tab and add a Top menu (block with the Categories content) block in there. Hope it may help.

Best regards, Alt-team