How To Change Fonts

Can someone please tell me how I can change the fonts for my site?

I've edited base.css, dropdown.css, styles.css, and added my_changes to the addons but none of these reflect the changes I made to the font family.

Thanks in advance.

Finally sorted it out.

There was a conflict with iecsp_google_webfonts addon and the my_changes add on. I've now updated the font family in my_changes addon.


I use Firebug and Notepad ++ to see and change elements in css.

Best regards


Firebug is a must. Right click on page item and choose “inspect element” ;)

Have you added your fonts to fonts folder? If not please add the folder fonts with your fonts and call the required fonts in the css.

Thanks for the replies.

As I mentioned, I was able to resolve this by updating the css in a custom addons folder