Checkout Text

At checkout in the billing section, there is a block of text that reads, “Type instructions to pay by visiting your retail store in here.” I need to remove this, but I can't find where.

In Administration>Payment Methods, either disable “COD” or change the text by clicking the Edit link for COD payment method.

COD was disabled, but it looks like that text is in every payment option, including credit card. Thank you for your help!

It shouldn't be in every payment method, but definitely originates from the “COD” payment method. Did you upgrade from V2 to V3? That upgrade especially seems to cause crazy things like this to happen.

It's in every single payment option. I would swear that this is a new thing, and hasn't been there the entire time. I started with v3, but recently updated to 3.0.5. I'm finding all kinds of funny issues since this update, this being the least of them. My check box to make the shipping the same as the billing address has disappeared as well.