product tab size chart

hello guys.

i have 20,000 product and 3000 categoryies

i want show size chart to world customer.

also i have 400 brand ,each brand has own size chart.

so i tried to put size chart on product tab. but there are only +add product to disable.

is there anyway to put add category? to apply on product under category?

it will be very thanks and help for me

please help me…

i solved this problem too. i got addon now

Which addon did you use for this, i will be doing the same soon



PS do you know that when adding tab you can disable the tab then instead of clicking ADD PRODUCT TO DISABLE you can choose add product to enable instead.


this addon works on category. becouse i have a lot of brand. so i made by category by brand.

each brand has each size chart. so i go to admin–>product—>category —> edit.

then there are addon for size chart. so i set up put some image or html of size chart. this size chart works all for categoryes product.
