Missing shipping country condition in Promotions > Conditions setup

Currently, there is only a single type of country condition for Promotions, and that is the 'Customer's Country' condition. First, what does 'Customer's Country' even mean? Is that the billing or shipping address?

The list of Promotion Conditions need to include 'Shipping Country' condition so that admnins can create a basic promotion targeted towards certain countries that orders will be shipped to.

A very common example would be offering special shipping promotions to US/Canada customers only. For this, you would set the promotion conditions to the Shipping Country and not the Billing Country.



Hello quicksilver1024,

Thank you for your message.

The Customer country promotion condition checks the country from the Shipping address section. You can change the value of this language variable by yourself in the CS-Cart admin panel:

  1. Go to Administration > Languages.
  2. Select the necessary language from the drop-down list in the top left corner. Enter promotion_cond_country into the Search for pattern input field in the Translations tab and click the Search button.
  3. Change the value of the promotion_cond_country language variable to the necessary one (e.g. Customer shipping country) and click the Save button at the bottom to save the changes.

    I have also informed our engineers of this issue. The text of this language variable will certainly be changed in one of the next CS-Cart releases.

    Thank you.

    Pavel Zyukin

    CS-Cart Support team