add extra field for "shipping" in "Field type" dropdown of "Field Mapping" in Data Feed edit section

I am getting some warnings of “Missing shipping information” while uploading datafeed to Google Merchant Account.

How can i add extra field for “shipping” in “Field type” dropdown of “Field Mapping” in Data Feed edit section ?

can anyone please help me in this.

anyone ? let me know if you dont understand question, may be there will be another way of doing this,

i just need to add shipping in data feed, cs-cart only providing Shipping freight and google merchant is saying you need to specify your shipping method in feed :-(

usually a problem with just the name of the column… not sure what cs calls it but just change the column to what google wants


i Solved this,

If you add any new product feature and set its “Group:” as “Google Export Features”, it will automatically display in “Field type” dropdown of “Field Mapping” in Data Feed. i added shipping and all working fine now. thanks everyone for your help :-)