sorting.tpl file so a catagory can be sorted by manufacturer

I am attempting to edit the sorting.tpl file so a catagory can also be sorted by manufacturer. What’s worong with the statement below?

```php {* $Id: sorting.tpl 2527 2006-11-13 09:46:43Z zeke $ *}

{if $settings.DHTML.customer_ajax_based_pagination == ‘Y’}

{assign var=“url_prefix” value=“javascript: fn_http_request(‘tmp’, '”}

{assign var=“url_suffix” value=“&ajax=pagination_contents’);”}


{if !$smarty.get.html_catalog}

{assign var=“curl” value=$current_url|fn_query_remove:‘sort_by’:‘sort_order’:‘ajax’:‘prevent_cache’}

{$lang.sort_by}: {$lang.code}{if $sort_by == 'code'}{if $sort_order == 'asc'}{else}{/if}{/if} {$lang.manufacturer}{if $sort_by == 'manufacturer'}{if $sort_order == 'asc'}{else}{/if}{/if}
{$lang.price}{if $sort_by == 'price'}{if $sort_order == 'asc'}{else}{/if}{/if} {$lang.default}

{/if} ```


Is it possible to sort by product name and product codes?

Sure wish I found this post earlier. I didn’t care for the “manufacturer” sorting but instead wanted the default sorting by “code”. I ended up editing the default line with “code” instead of “position” which works but only if you select “Default” in the site.

Anyone know if the actual default can be changed from “position” to “code” and where it can be found?

I don’t have any experience with the company, but EZ Merchant Solutions might have what you need. It seems to be a customized version of CS-Cart with additional backoffice tools.


this also requires some php coding to work properly, i may also be a little tricky since manufacturers is now done through the product features functionality…