Serve Images from CDN

My store is located at I have a content delivery network set up at Both domains can deliver content:


  • OR -…es/icons/go.gif

    In /core/fn.init.php, I found a 'images_dir' variable:

$view->assign('images_dir', Registry::get('config.full_host_name') . Registry::get('config.current_path') . (str_replace(DIR_ROOT, '', $skin_path)) . '/' . AREA_NAME . "/images");

How can I override this variable to serve images from the CDN?

why don't you use cloudflare?

I've thought about CloudFlare. Any caveats using it with CS-Cart?


How can I override this variable to serve images from the CDN?


In an addons/my_changes/ file use something like:


Registry::get('view')->assign('images_dir', "whatever_value_you_want");


wont work for product images… becaus it looks in a thumb dir to see if there if not it creates it… then serves it…

we need a flag use_cdn and then bypass in core/fn.images.php

still working on that …