Export for Amazon

Hello everyone,

As you may know amazon requires a specific product feed.

In case of a product with options or variations, the first product is the parent, which has no UPC or product code, but has all general informations about the product, and the childs are actually the products which are sold.

Here is an clear example about how the export must look.

SKU1000 Product name parent

SKU10002X 46955 UPC Product name child Sku1000 Variation

SKU10003X 46962 UPC Product name child SKU1000 Variation

SKU1000LG 46931 UPC Product name child SKU1000 Variation

SKU1000MD 46924 UPC Product name child SKU1000 Variation

SKU1000SM 46917 UPC Product name child SKU1000 Variation

SKU1000XL 46948 UPC Product name child SKU1000 Variation

Column 1 = SKU

Column 2 = product-ID

Column 3= product-id-type

Column 4 = product name

Column 5 = parent or child

Column 6 = Parent SKU

Column 7 = relationship-type

… and a lot of other columns

Is there any interest to develop such export from cs-cart ?

Would be interested. Our products use the size-color relationship, so there are actual 2 options associated with the relationship type. We have a bunch of products on Amazon now, but have been forced to use use their csv template and it is extremely time consuming to have to manually enter the data.

I am interested in such “Export Products to Amazon” add-on as well. Any available yet ?

and me