Show all currencies rates in the block


If you want to show in your CS CART all currencies data like this.

1USD = 200 EUR

1USD = 500 RUB

1USD = 600GB

You must add this in the costomer controllers init file:

After this code

$view_mail->assign('index_script', $index_script);
```<br />
<br />
Add this<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
$currencies = db_get_array("SELECT a.*, b.description FROM ?:currencies as a LEFT JOIN ?:currency_descriptions as b ON a.currency_code = b.currency_code AND lang_code = ?s ORDER BY position", DESCR_SL);<br />
<br />
$view->assign('currencies_data', $currencies);
```<br />
<br />
And after, in the template block you want (or created by you) you must make some  changes like this, to show all currencies data.<br />
<br />
```<br />
<br />
If you wan to show other currencies data, you must just edit the $currencies_data[b].1 -numbe![/b]<br />
 you want.<br />
You also can call other data from currensies.<br />
<br />
Thank You!

Thanks, what does this look like when it is done, do you have a screenshot.
