Import - Global options - modifier


Is it possible to add price modifiers to global options during import?

For example - Size: S[Evening,Casual(+£7)]

I have set up global option Size to have 2 variants Evening and Casual with correct variants.

For some reason when I have in my CSV – this: Size: S[Evening,Casual], the price variants that I have set up are not getting picked up.

Surely, someone has done this? =)

Thanks a bunch!

I posted this a while back, a bit fiddly but works for me 2.1.4,

Hey John,

Thanks for that.

I took a look at the thread and seeing that we are using Multivendor 2.2.3 and I am not sure it works in this version. Then again, I am no developer. Do you know if it works (or know anyone who has this version that got it to work?)

Thanks again. =)