Google Analytics

I set up the Google Analytics addon in cs cart but Google tells me i have to be verified. How do you do that with cs cart. Any suggestion from those that use this addon and have it working.


go into your google account and follow the instructions there. I find the best way is to create a html file by the name google gives you, something like aeg444ddd8uuu2rgggHt33377syy and upload it via ftp, once done follow the link in your analytics account and your done.


[quote name='johnbol1' timestamp='1320591113' post='125445']

go into your google account and follow the instructions there. I find the best way is to create a html file by the name google gives you, something like aeg444ddd8uuu2rgggHt33377syy and upload it via ftp, once done follow the link in your analytics account and your done.



Hi John, I am trying to use this option, google-site-verification: googleXXXXXXXXXX8c2b1.html. Where do I put it.In the file manager I have these option, Home Directory,Public FTP Root, and Web Root. Sorry I tried all 3 and Google could not verified. Dont know what I am doing wrong.


You can just put it in FTP root should work fine


google keeps saying site not found. Just about giving up on this.


Own Defense-

Mine is in my root directory as well. And from my prior experience, sometimes it might not take immediately. I don't know how long you've been working on it.

I guess I should have more patients.This is what google gave me and I uploaded to FTP Root. google-site-verification: googleXXXXXXXXXXXX2b1.html. This whole thing is their.

Ill see whats happens by tomorrow.


You have to upload it in /public_html or /www

Not ftp root.

P.S. I like the one where you should have more patients ;)