View Orders SLOW

I’m just curious if anyone else has experienced a store that’s been running for a while (over a year now) that is just is super slow when you click “View Orders”. We’re currently running version 2.1.2. I contacted the host and they are saying this script is consuming nearly all of the CPU:


FROM ( SELECT total FROM cscart_orders

LEFT JOIN cscart_order_docs as invoice_docs

ON invoice_docs.order_id = cscart_orders.order_id

AND invoice_docs.type = ‘I’

LEFT JOIN cscart_order_docs as memo_docs

ON memo_docs.order_id = cscart_orders.order_id

AND memo_docs.type = ‘C’

WHERE status IN (‘P’, ‘C’)

AND cscart_orders.is_parent_order != ‘Y’

AND cscart_orders.status != ‘N’ ) as t

Is this anything I can even do something about?

I believe when we got to version 2.1.4 it pretty much eliminated our issues with using up cpu.

BTW, did you optimize your database?

Clean out the logs and statistics periodically too if you dont need them, better still disable the stats if you dont monitor them


i' experiencing the same sloooooow listing of orders, even after cleaning cache and optimizing DB. Hardly makes any difference

How many orders are you set to view, I keep mine quite low like 20 or so

20 orders per page