database question


while registration there is 2 text inputs under Contact information namely as Company: and School affiliation:…

i just checked in the table cscart_users and i found there is company field in db for storing data but i was surprised to see that the company field in db is saving the School affiliation data. Could you tell me where the Company:input data is store in db means belongs to which table and field…

plz help me as soon as possible . thanks!

If these are custom fields (added by you) then they are in the user_data table, not the users table.

i didn't find that fields data in user_data table because this table have three fields user_id, type and data ,i found the following kind of data id data field



there is 5 rows of data in this table and there is no company: field data or School affiliation: in it…

Kindly plz help me out our clients are going mad… i need to fix as soon as possible thanks!

That data is called “serialized” data. That's how extra fields are stored. But there is a corresponding “descriptions” file that will hold the actual label values so they can be translated into different languages. Additional profile fields are stored as integers that are used as an index into an array called 'extra'… Can't give you a detailed tutorial.

thanks for your help