Promotion taxes BUG

Settings :

  • Admin / Taxes - Price does not include TVA
  • Admin / Catalog / Products - Prices are added without TVA
  • Design / Appearance Settings CHECKED:
    • Display prices with taxes on category/product pages if the method of calculating taxes is based on a unit’s price
    • Display prices with taxes on cart/checkout pages if the method of calculating taxes is based on a unit’s price


      Catalog promotion, bonus

      Order discount by percentage of the original price = 30

      Those are the settings.

      Basically I added all product prices without VAT


      Product price: 146.32

      Vat 19.6% (France)

      Product including vat = 175

      The problem is in checkout totals info:

      Subtotal: 175.00 € (Price including VAT , 146.32 original price without VAT)

      Shipping cost: 0.00 €

      Order discount: 43.90 € (Value without VAT)


      VAT (19.6%): 28.68 € (Tax value from Subtotal)

      Total cost:131.10 € (incorrect value)

      Total cost is calculated Subtotal minus order discount which (vat price minus price without vat)

      At this product I made a promotion which offers free shipping and 30% discount.

      This should be calculated like this :

      146.32 -30% (43.9) = 102.42

      102.42 + 19.6% (20.07) = 122.49

      So the real summary should be this:

      Subtotal: 175.00 € (Price including VAT , 146.32 original price without VAT)

      Shipping cost: 0.00 €

      Order discount: 52.5 € (Price including VAT , 43.9 Value without VAT)


      VAT (19.6%): 20.07 €
      (Tax value from discounted subtotal)

      Total cost:122.5 € (Price including VAT, 102.42 without VAT )

A partial solution would be to change the: Tax calculation method based on Subtotal

(like this it calculates correctly), but this is also making the cart to show prices without VAT included. And i need the prices with VAT included

anyone tested this ?

bonjour Seonid,

nous avons les même problèmes avec la taxe.

Nous avons la même configuration de taxe au niveau admin:

Prix hors taxe en base de données, estimation de la taxe sur produits catégories et panier

Taxe +19.6% sur les produits et frais de port Dans la zone europe

Hors taxe sur l export dom tom suisse Andorre etc…

… La même config que vous avez décrite.

Il y a pas mal de problème de taxes : [url][/url]

Comme cette configuration n est pas prévue par défaut, surtout le fait d avoir les produit en base par défaut hors taxe, il existe la solution de passer tous ces prix en base en ttc, cela fonctionne bien de manière générale. - Admin / Taxes - Price Includes Tax checked

Le seul problème est que les prix des produits pour l export ne sont pas déduit de la TVA, alors que pour les frais de port cela fonctionne plutôt correctement.

Ça fait plusieurs années que nous travaillons avec cscart et nous avons toujours rencontres des difficultés de taxes puisque nous faisons de la vente ttc en grosse majorité mais aussi de l export ou la détaxe est importante.

Je n est pas encore la solution mais cela est important pour nous aussi, alors n hésitez pas si vous désirez une entraide.

I'm having exactly this problem in 2.24. I just discovered tax has been calculating incorrectly when users got a discount.

This screws up my complete administration…

Please see this calculation. I see this has been an ongoing problem in cs-cart for about ages…

Subtotal: €96.75

Order discount: €9.68


MwSt. 19% (DE): €15.45

Shipping cost: €0.00

Am I the only one that still has this problem? Wondering if I'm doing something wrong…

Hi, was this ever fixed?

Im stuck with 2.1.4 on one site and am having this exact problem

In Australia, the prices must be shown including GST. cool.

But when a discountis applied to the cart, the GST amount shows as being calculated on the Products Pric Subtotal BEFORE the discount is applied.

This needs to be fixed so that the GST component is calculated AFTER discount is applied.

However, I do see a complexity when some products are tax exempt.


Hello! Reporting a similar issue here (for CsCart v4.2.2):

when setting up a discount promotion depending on a value threshold of the cart subtotal, the promotion addon does not refer to the actual subtotal of the cart but to a calculated one based on the line items. This however is not the same number when applying another promotional rule eg a category-based promotion to the cart.

Example: we have set up a coupon with 5$ discount for orders with subtotal equal or greater than $40. We sell a product for $5 with a category promotion of 'buy 10 for $30'. Someone puts 10 of this in the cart for an order subtotal of $30. Unfortunately, the coupon still applies since it refers to a calculated subtotal of 10*$5=$50.

How to fix this? Is this a know bug? What code changes are required?

Any indication welcome!


You have requested an amendment to make it clear that the price is tax inclusive
But after the promotion was made, the price appeared before 0.00 for the next example
0.00 price before
Price 5000 yet
It should appear this way
6000 price before discount
5000 price after discount
The price includes tax