How to add to cart the Product Configurator List

Hi Guys,

Good Day to you all master

i have small problem adding the Products Configurator into the cart

if i put 3 quantity in the “text” then i will click the add to cart button, they will add into the cart, i have problem putting which value i need to put in the form,

here is my site


also this is my code below



{if $product.qty_content}

{assign var=“a_name” value=“product_amount_$obj_prefix``$obj_id”}

{assign var=“selected_amount” value=false}

{foreach name=“$a_name” from=$product.qty_content item=“var”}

I just switched to version 2.1.4 Professional and I’m have to redo the product configurator. and I’m lost…

All the previous terms for things are changed! How do I this?

And what is this “Live Mode” thing at the bottom of the screen do?