HSBC Set up problem


I’m trying to set up HSBC as the main payment method on my site.

In the Knowledge base it says the following

“In order to use HSBC as a payment method on your site, the “exec” standard PHP function must be enabled on your site.”

Could someone please let me know what that means! I’m a complete beginner at all this and have no coding knowledge. Is it something I can do on the shopping site or at the server?

Thanks for your help!

Many hosts disable PHP’s exec function because it can be dangerous but it is required for HSBC and a few other payment processors.

You can check if this has been disabled on your server by viewing a phpinfo script and see if it is listed in disabled_functions. If it is disabled then you should contact your host to see if they will help you to re-enable it for your account.

HSBC will sometimes require even more help from your host. If you are having trouble generating a hash after the exec issue is dealt with then they may need to install and/or symlink libstdc+± for you so that will work

Thank you so much. I will do that and let you know if there are any other problems

I just wanted to post to let people know how I resolved this problem as it took a while.

The help desk sent me the correct files which I uploaded to the correct folder on my server but it still wasn’t working.

I then spoke to HSBC about the problem. Bascially the issue was that when configuring the payment method you should set it up as Test rather than live mode.

This is different to what it tells you in the knowledge base.

HSBC will make you do this and test the integration yourself. You then have to phone them for a “live request” where they do all their testing and put their side live before you can change it to live on cs cart.

Hope that helps someone else! :smiley: