Status: 4020 - payments failing due to invalid IP


Just registered for this forum, so hello everyone

I have payments failing due to the following message: Status: 4020 : Information received from an Invalid IP address. (INVALID)

This has just started happening and accoring to Sagepay is because CS Cart have changed to sending payment detail from a new IP address whuch needs to be added to my Sagepay account

Does anyone have the new IP address or experienced similar problem



Your domains dedicated IP address must have been changed recently if this was working beforeā€¦

Go to this address to find the IP address assigned to your domain then compare this with what you have listed within Sagepay and update that info


Thanks for the reply.

Do you mean my website domain?

Yes, it is the IP of your website they need to verify

I had the issue in this post a couple of years ago and now have it again

I have checked my sagepay account and the IP address of my website/where transaction details are sent from has not changed

Any ideas why payments are failing with error:

Status: 4020 - payments failing due to invalid IP