MP3 in Product Description

Ok, I tried to post this last week and had trouble. I am trying again, hopefully it will show up this time.

DEMO: [URL=“”][/URL]

This is a rather crude way to get this to work, but it does work. This can be reconfigured to be used with the Preview in a Digital Download. However, I needed this for a CD sample site. I am still working on it but it is working.

How Does This Work?

It checks for MP3 attachments and then displays the flash player at the Top of the Product Description.

There are two modifications:

  1. \var.htaccessNeeds to be modified to allow the mp3 attachment access to the flash player.
<br />
Order deny,allow<br />
Deny from all<br />
<Files ~ "\.js$"><br />
  order allow,deny<br />
  allow from all<br />
</Files><br />
[B]<Files ~ "\.mp3$"><br />
  order allow,deny<br />
  allow from all<br />
</Files>[/B]<br />

```<br />
<br />
2) [B]\skins\basic\customer\blocks\product_tabs\description.tpl[/B] -- [I]You'll see the additional code at the top.[/I]<br />
<br />
{if $attachments_data}<br />
	<div id="mp3_attachments"><br />
		{foreach from=$attachments_data item="file"}<br />
		{if $file.filename|strstr:'.mp3'}<br />
		{literal}<br />
			<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <br />
			<script type="text/javascript"><br />
			<!--<br />
				AudioPlayer.setup("", {width:"290"});<br />
			//--><br />
			</script><br />
		{/literal}	<br />
			<br />
		{assign var=mp3location value="`$config.http_location`/var/attachments/product/`$_REQUEST.product_id`/`$file.filename`"}<br />
			<br />
		<p id="audioplayer_{$file.attachment_id}">Mp3 sample is unable to load</p><br />
		{literal}<br />
			<script type="text/javascript">  <br />
			<!--<br />
				AudioPlayer.embed("{/literal}audioplayer_{$file.attachment_id}{literal}", {soundFile: "{/literal}{$mp3location}{literal}"});<br />
			//--><br />
			</script><br />
		{/literal}<br />
		{/if}<br />
		{/foreach}<br />
	</div><br />
{/if}<br />
<br />
{$product.full_description|default:$product.short_description|unescape}<br />

Great solution… I have been looking for this solution for ages…

I am using cs-cart 3.0.x multivendor… for an mp3 store, i wanted to the user to have facility to listen to sample tracks ( attachments ) and if not able to play then download…

First step by adamarbour is very important

Second step I had to change…



{** block-description:attachments **}

{if $attachments_data}

{foreach from=$attachments_data item="file"}
{if $file.filename|strstr:'.mp3'}

{assign var=mp3location value="`$config.http_location`/var/attachments/product/`$_REQUEST.product_id`/`$file.filename`"}

Mp3 sample is unable to load



{$file.description} ({$file.filename}, {$file.filesize|formatfilesize}) [{$}]

